Children's playground is a place where children often visit, the park a lot of types of equipment, different shapes, sizes, need to be placed in science, both to save space, but also to play up more, the following we say Some of the children's play facilities put some skills.
1, for some of the popular children's play facilities, or some of the newly introduced children's recreational facilities, managers should put these in a sufficiently prominent place, so as to increase popularity, will make the new can for the tourists Know. For example, where you can enjoy a beautiful place in a playground, a place where people are in a playground, and a ticket office in a playground, there is a great effect on the popular professional trampoline equipment facilities.
2, children's recreational facilities to leave a considerable space between, which will help children in the play when the action will not be too large and cause physical harm.
3, when placing children's recreational facilities, to carry out recreational facilities between the complementary principles, such as puzzle class and sports class together, this is also placed skills.
4, almost all of the large custom volcano themed playground have different types of children's recreational facilities, in the placement of these recreational facilities, to follow the different models placed in different locations, so that children in the play when the absolute security, But also can make the entire playground recreational facilities layout is done in place, giving a clear feeling.
5, many of the same type of children's recreational facilities may have a different function, so when placed in the same category, try to put the different functions together, so that the child can be a great extent to enjoy the best.